Comb your beard the right way

There comes a point in a beard growth where things get a little too unruly. Things begin to look a little too wiry and messy without proper combing techniques, which, can be a little less simple than one expects. 

First, examine your comb. It should have both wide and narrow teeth arrangements. The wide teeth are for your beard – which is thicker – and the narrow teeth are for your mustache.

Begin by holding your beard comb so that the teeth are pointed upward. It’s important not to grip the comb too tightly here. You’ll want to comb out the beard with an upward motion to get it away from your face. The goal is to separate the hairs of your beard so you can then uniformly arrange them in the following step.

As a heads up – you’re apt to run into tangles and snags during the combing process. When you come to a snag, don’t try to force it out with your comb. Instead, try gently pulling it out as you comb. A slower rate of combing can help keep any snags from feeling too unpleasant.

After you’ve combed the beard upward and separated the hairs, comb it back down into the desired shape. You can even use your hands and some product, such as beard oil or butter, to apply the finishing touches after you’ve combed it down.

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